Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Days 45 & 46: Progress

Many hours of my life were devoted to this (and it's just 20 pages of Venice!). Still working on Florence tonight.

Reserving tickets left and right to the Doge's Palace in Venice and the Ufizzi in Florence. How could one not want to take this tour (the only guided thing I'm purchasing anywhere):

"This follows in the footsteps of the most important (or infamous) leaders of Venice. On their trips through the palace, these men wouldn’t use the public doors and stairways, they would slip through hidden passageways and concealed doors: somehow appropriate in this smoke-and-mirrors city where mask and illusion are so popular and where subterfuge was always an essential element of the politics. Take the Itinerari Segreti and you discover these hidden passages, also the administrative offices of the men who ran the Venice of medieval and Renaissance times. You’ll even visit the city gaol, and the very cell from which notorious lover Giacomo Casanova made his escape in 1775."

Yesterday: 7 hours
Today: 8.5 hours

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