We took a cable ferry over Lake Champlain into NY today to visit Li's friends Candace and Frank who own three cabins on Lake George. In addition to floating in this beautiful locale, the cake also took a ride on the pontoon across the lake to watch a family dive off 13' rocks.

With a little help from my friends, Li and Frida (the 11 week half chihuahua and miniature poodle who weighs less than 3 pounds).

Li and Angel Food.

The lovely environs at Silver Bay that inspired swimming in the cold water and naps on the hammock. This place reminds me so much of Northern Idaho not counting the rock walls and archery field next to the cabins.

Lake Champlain's "water, color" did not prove to be as enticing as Lake George but here it is at Li's parent's place in Shoreham. Lake Champlain, by the way, is known as the "sixth Great Lake" so I did indeed cover ALL the territory if anyone ever asks me.

All this cake floating inspired "creamies" along with everyone else in Ticonderoga, NY at 5 PM today. This is a MEDIUM maple frozen yogurt with chocolate sprinkles. We did not see anyone order a large but I would love to know how on earth it would possibly stay upright in a cone.

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