Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mark Dion & Dana Sherwood: The Confectionary Wonders of Buffalo

From the Press Release:

"A metaphorical exploration of the history of Buffalo, The Confectionary Wonders of Buffalo celebrates the city’s diverse architecture and local craftsmanship: an outdoor vitrine fabricated entirely in Western New York encloses a delectable arrangement of magnificent cakes designed and executed by neighborhood pastry shops and loosely inspired by past and present iconic Buffalo buildings. The cakes' ceremonial decadence and vibrant colors resemble the radiant edifices of the "Rainbow City" (as the Pan-American Exposition was affectionately termed), while the vitrine reinforces the idea of Buffalo as a timeless architectural museum. While steel and glass typically call to mind skyscrapers, real estate development, and the consequential demolition of antiquated architecture, in this case they form an elegant protective barrier from wildlife and the elements. Nevertheless, the inevitable rotting and molding of the pastries as they are exposed to Buffalo's famously harsh climate for the length of the exhibition is suggestive of urban decay. The work may therefore be read as a symbol of the city's burgeoning conservation movement, while at the same time affording the opportunity for new ecologies and growth."

Marni sent me this link in conjunction with the exhibition Beyond/In Western New York 2010: Alternating Currents. Incidentally, my new colleague, Victoria Bradbury also has an installation at the Albright-Knox Museum.

As of 25th September, Buffalo has had record warm September weather and the cakes already looked toppled. They will remain in the cases over the course of the next three months, melting into a sugary mess.

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